Be sure to catch up on this week's analysis from Packaged Facts and The Freedonia Group. Articles covered innovation in pressure sensitive tapes, gift card trends, and more.
by Alecia Mouhanna on May 10, 2019
Be sure to catch up on this week's analysis from Packaged Facts and The Freedonia Group. Articles covered innovation in pressure sensitive tapes, gift card trends, and more.
by BIS Research on May 8, 2019
Note: The following is an excerpt from the white paper "Are EVs equipped enough to overthrow the dominance of vehicles based on ICE?" by BIS Research, a global market intelligence, research, and advisory company that focuses on emerging technology trends that are likely to disrupt the market.
by John LaRosa on May 6, 2019
The total weight loss market is now worth more than $72 billion, and a growing share of it takes place online and digitally. Technology and increased usage of the Internet and smartphones have changed the way Americans lose weight, and how they access weight loss programs. New companies like Noom have entered the market with apps in attempts to “disrupt” long-established players like Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, and Jenny Craig.
by Alecia Mouhanna on May 3, 2019
April showers bring May market analysis! Take a moment and catch up on all the latest from's publishers, including an article from our CEO and Founder Robert Granader.
by Alecia Mouhanna on April 26, 2019
Check out the latest from's publishing divisions, including analysis highlighting growth in iron ore mining, a look at how Congress is curtailing existing regulations on Wall Street, insights into the importance of market research, and much more.
by Market Forecast on April 24, 2019
The catalyst in the smart weapons market is the global pressure to reduce civilian causalities during conflict. The concept of carpet-bombing entire cities or an area increased civilian causalities. World War I resulted in around 7 million civilian deaths, and World War II resulted in around 50 million civilian deaths.
In the case of conventional bombs, the proximity to the target and the probability to neutralize the target were directly proportional to each other. This also exposed airborne assets to enemy fire, and the risk of airplanes being shot down was very high.
by Alecia Mouhanna on April 19, 2019
Hop on top of the latest insights from Packaged Facts, The Freedonia Group, and Freedonia Focus Reports. This week, analysts covered tax services, home organization trends, the race to 5G, the global motorcycle market, and more.
by Alecia Mouhanna on April 17, 2019
The global motorcycle market – which includes not only internal combustion engine (ICE) motorcycles but ICE and/or electric mopeds, scooters, and bikes – is expected to grow 4.4% per year through 2022, according to a white paper from The Freedonia Group. This marks an improvement over the anemic industry growth that characterized the period between 2012-2017.
by BIS Research on April 15, 2019
An increase in the number of smartphones and connected devices and an increase in data traffic has led to congestion in the existing network, thus, increasing the demand for high bandwidth for various end-users.
This has paved the way for the network that can provide high speed and uninterrupted data at low latency. The introduction of the fifth generation (5G) communication network is expected to overcome speed barriers and enable faster data transmission.
by Alecia Mouhanna on April 12, 2019
Spring has sprung, as has a crop of fresh new analysis from's in-house publishing brands. This week, analysts reported back from a global pet expo and shared insights related to global roofing, the aluminum industry, education industry trends, and much, much more.
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