Case Study—Visualizing Value for Top General Merchandise Retailers

Shopping had been transformed in the past half century. Shoppers have changed since the relative stability of the 1970s and earlier, which had been fairly consistent in the post-World War II era.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Retail How To's

The Value of Long-Term Market Forecasting in a Short-Term World

In today's era of real-time data and knee-jerk reactions, it's become all too easy for businesses to get caught up in the daily noise and lose sight of the bigger picture. We're inundated with a constant stream of headlines about supply chain disruptions, economic volatility, and paradigm-shifting innovations like AI that have C-suites anxiously wondering — how do we respond? How do we stay ahead of the curve?

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

Primary Market Research: An Informative Guide

Making informed decisions is crucial for business success. Primary market research serves as a powerful tool to guide your strategies by providing deeper insights into consumer preferences and the overall market landscape.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

7 Key Advantages of Outsourcing Market Research Services

To make effective strategic decisions, business leaders need an accurate and objective understanding of market growth trajectories, key opportunities and threats, and the overall competitive landscape.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

AI for Market Research: A CEO's Perspective Founder and CEO, Robert Granader, successfully steered his company through a variety of industry transformations. Decades ago, he transitioned the business from a spiral-bound catalog selling printed reports to a global e-commerce website specializing in digital downloads.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

How the US Avoided a Recession in 2023, and What to Expect in 2024

At the start of 2023, many financial observers (including the economics department) expected the US economy to suffer a recession during the year, most likely during the first half of the year. The Federal Reserve was fighting inflation with a campaign to raise short-term interest rates. Those higher rates were expected to cool business and residential investment spending and eventually lead to decline in overall economic activity.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Industry Insights

How to Use Market Research for Onboarding and Training Employees

Is your organization facing challenges onboarding new staff due to persistent turnover?

If so, you are not alone. According to a Gallup survey, only 12% of employees strongly agree that their organization does a great job of training new employees.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

The Strategic Value of Regression Analysis in Marketing Research

Regression analysis is an important component of data-driven decision-making. This statistical technique is widely used in various fields, including economics, finance, marketing, healthcare, and social sciences, to understand the relationships between variables and make informed predictions.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

Why Scanner Data Often Falls Short and What to Use Instead

Many companies commit substantial financial resources to obtain detailed information on product sales through scanner data. However, scanner data does not always live up to its promised potential. Deeper, more actionable insights are often required to create strategies for innovation and growth.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Food & Beverage Market Research Provider Pets Packaged Facts How To's

Why I Fear the Wrath of the Statistical Gods

In the modern age of information and data-driven decision-making, there exists a unique phenomenon: the fear of the statistical gods. Just as ancient civilizations believed in divine beings who governed various aspects of life, those who navigate the realms of data and statistics often develop an irrational yet deeply ingrained fear of displeasing these unseen deities.

Topics: Market Research Strategy