An Overview of DataM Intelligence 4Market Research: Your Top Questions Answered

DataM Intelligence is a market research firm that provides insights and analysis across various industries. This firm gathers and analyzes data to offer strategic insights for businesses. Services include market trend analysis, competitive intelligence, industry forecasting, and market segmentation.

Topics: Market Research Subscription Market Research Provider

A Guide to Search on Profound: Top Tips & Tricks

Let's explore the different search functionalities available on Profound, one of the largest and most authoritative market intelligence services available.

Topics: Profound Market Research Subscription Market Research Provider Academic Through the Eyes of a Student

Have you heard of Academic? It’s a popular market research subscription service that is used by a wide variety of academic institutions, from small business development centers to large state universities and Ivy League schools.

Topics: Academic Market Research Subscription Market Research Provider

5 Great Reasons to Choose an Academic Market Research Subscription

Academic market research subscriptions provide access to specialized knowledge, real-world data, and a unique industry perspective that is difficult to find anywhere else.

Topics: Academic Market Research Subscription

5 Clear Signs It’s Time to Consider a Knowledge Center Solution

Is there a better way to obtain market research? This is a key question many companies contemplate at some point. Market research can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor, and rethinking your current approach can pave the way for improved outcomes.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Market Research Subscription Market Research Provider Knowledge Centers Academic Releases New Website

After months of planning, hard work, and dedication, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the brand-new Academic website.

Topics: Academic Market Research Subscription Market Research Provider

How Became an Industry Leader: Part II

In yesterday’s post, we interviewed Founder and CEO Rob Granader to find out what distinguishes from other business intelligence providers. We delved into’s new business strategy and explored its unique mix of innovative market research solutions.

Today, we continue our discussion with Rob and highlight several other attributes that help shape’s company culture and the overall customer experience.

Topics: Academic Profound Market Research Subscription Market Research Provider Knowledge Centers Custom Market Research

How Became an Industry Leader: Part I

The ups and downs of the world economy clashed and converged with the growth of — since its start at the end of the dot com bubble in 2001. has weathered a series of economic storms including the tech bubble, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the Great Recession of 2009. Many of these downturns occurred at pivotal moments in the company’s history. Most pronounced, soon after finalized a large acquisition focused on the financial services market, the world’s banks went into a nosedive.

Despite these challenges, has become the leading provider of global market intelligence products and services, which are used by more than 5,000 companies a year and 89 percent of the Fortune 1000.

Topics: Academic Profound Market Research Subscription Market Research Provider Knowledge Centers Custom Market Research

3 Research Strategies That Save You Time

Market researchers respond to rapid-fire deadlines and competing client demands. When one set of projects end, there’s often little forewarning before the next ones begin. To be successful, market researchers have to prioritize effectively and move quickly through their to-do lists.

Although there’s no substitute for hard work, certain time-management strategies can eliminate needless tasks and help you complete projects faster. Curious to learn more? Here are three research strategies to help you save time and improve your overall results.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Profound Market Research Subscription Market Research Provider

Making the Most of a Start-Up Research Budget

By its very nature, a start-up venture has no customers, no visibility into the market, and no brand awareness. To get these things, you need to invest some of your start-up funds into marketing which includes branding, advertising, and market research.

Topics: Profound Market Research Subscription