The Business Intelligence and Analytics Software Market

What is the fastest-growing market in the IT industry? According to MarketsandMarkets, it’s business intelligence and analytics software. The global business intelligence and analytics software market is expected to increase from $17.90 billion in 2014 to $26.78 billion in 2019, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4 percent.

Given today’s competitive business environment, many companies are looking for ways to optimize their operations and improve tactical and strategic decision-making. Business intelligence and analytics software can help a variety of employees — including executives, financial analysts, marketing managers, security personnel, and others — monitor and visualize real-time data across an organization. These BI software tools include dashboards, visual analytics, and reporting capabilities that help business professionals make sense of data and identify new opportunities to improve ROI.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Industry Insights

5 Technology Trends to Watch in 2016

Advancements in technology have allowed manufacturers to develop and sell devices with the abilities to do just about anything. In 2015, we were introduced to the iWatch, a hoverboard, and 3D printers in our homes, but what’s in store for 2016? Follow along in this blog to learn about five technology trends that will drive the consumer electronics market in the coming year.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Computer Hardware & Networking Industry Insights

WebRTC and the Emerging Communications-Enabled Ecosystem

There is a big migration underway from traditional voice to data. This is not to mean that voice goes away in favor of only non-voice services. What this really means is that traditional circuit-switched (bearer) is going away and thus traditional voice calling plans. One of the key technologies that will help drive this migration is WebRTC.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Industry Insights

How to Protect Your Mission Critical Data

With a series of large-scale data breaches lighting up news headlines, cyber security is proving to be a major ongoing concern for corporations of all sizes. According to a recent report, the number of cyber attacks has grown exponentially in the last few years, and hackers are using increasingly complex and sophisticated methods.

For businesses, keeping mission critical data safe is absolutely essential. Allowing private information to become public could result in court cases and damage your company’s credibility and reputation. But where do you store all of this data, and how do you ensure that it is safe — and accessible?

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Computer Hardware & Networking

Exploding Big Data in Healthcare - A Major Driver for Healthcare Cloud

Healthcare is one of the most dynamic application of cloud computing. Although healthcare organizations are highly concerned about the privacy and security of patient data, the pressure of controlling the increasing healthcare cost has driven the adoption of cost effective solutions such as cloud computing. There has been a surge of interest of the healthcare companies in adoption of cloud computing. A report estimates cloud healthcare market will grow at nearly 25% through 2020.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Healthcare

Top 2015 Consumer Electronic Trends

Electronics and technology are always evolving; sometimes it can be tough to keep up with the latest and greatest trends. However, one thing is certain; in today’s world it can be beneficial to stay informed when it comes to some of the latest transformations, so we wanted to outline a couple of the top consumer electronic trends to keep an eye out for this year.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Computer Hardware & Networking Consumer Electronics Telecommunications & Wireless

The Future of Telemedicine: Mobile and Connected Healthcare

Telemedicine is increasingly gaining popularity due to its high potential for cost savings and increased efficiency in healthcare. Expert medical care through telemedicine can significantly improve the healthcare facilities at rural and remote locations. Advanced wireless and networking technologies coupled with recent advances in biotechnology, biosensors and software engineering has enabled the promising growth in telemedicine healthcare systems.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Biotechnology Telecommunications & Wireless Healthcare

How the K-12 Education Market is Changing

Schools have clearly changed in the last decade. Classrooms, the way students are learning and interacting, and learning devices are not what they used to be. With technology becoming a prominent force for our education systems, spending for education has increased. With the market size increasing 8% from the 2012-13 to 2013-14 school year to $20.9 million, many tax payers are wondering where funds are being directed.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Education

The Future of Enterprise Communications: A Customer Perspective

The most popular terms used by enterprise communications vendors today—and, indeed, for many years—are “UC” (which stands for “unified communications”) and “UCC” (“unified communications and collaboration”). But, if you think that means IT buyers understand what those terms mean, you’re wrong.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Computer Hardware & Networking E-commerce & IT Outsourcing Telecommunications & Wireless Business Services & Administration

How Market Research Predicts Cloud Computing Can Reach Untapped Potential

Over the last dozen or so years, the Cloud Computing (CC) industry has made monumental strides, and there seems to be no shortage of opinions and analysis around the CC solution having huge potential across many applications. In fact, several analysts expect the market to eventually reach hundreds of billions of dollars from an estimated $35.6 billion in 2013. However, market size does not appear to be the question. The pressing issues for the CC industry lie in its security, business adoption/transformation and infrastructure, which will have a significant impact on when that market potential can be realized.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Computer Hardware & Networking E-commerce & IT Outsourcing Consumer Electronics Telecommunications & Wireless