4 New White Papers & Free Downloads from MarketResearch.com

MarketResearch.com has five in-house publishing divisions that produce quality market intelligence for top industry decision makers. 

These publishers not only provide market research reports, they have also released a number of free white papers, presentations, and e-books on a variety of dynamic markets. These resources are designed to give you a quick view of an industry, leading companies, or trends. 

Topics: Food & Beverage Biotechnology Pets Packaged Facts Kalorama Information The Freedonia Group

4 Major Trends to Follow in the Veterinary Services Industry

Groundbreaking technological advances are rapidly transforming the veterinary services industry — expanding treatment options and boosting potential revenue growth. While these developments are creating exciting new possibilities, veterinary service providers that are slow to adapt may fall behind and miss a key window of opportunity.

The Veterinary Services Global Market Report 2017 from the Business Research Company highlights four major trends in the veterinary market that should be followed in order to stay competitive.

Topics: Healthcare Pets Industry Insights

Projected 2017 Trends in the Pet Industry

Americans are spending more on their pets than ever before, and expenditures continue to rise. By 2020, the U.S. pet industry is expected to reach $96 billion in sales, according to Packaged Facts, a leading market research firm.

Approximately 56% of U.S. households own pets, and the close emotional bonds people share with their furry friends is a major driver of industry growth. To learn more about this and other trends, check out the article below, which highlights several key findings from the report U.S. Pet Market Outlook, 2016-2017.

Topics: Pets Packaged Facts

MarketResearch.com in the News: July Highlights

This past month, MarketResearch.com’s publishing divisions were cited in a wide variety of publications including the New York Times, Slate Magazine, and numerous trade journals. Take a look at a selection of press highlights below. To access more information about a particular topic, click the link to the report page.

Topics: Food & Beverage Healthcare Pets Industry Insights Heavy Industry

MarketResearch.com in the News: June Highlights

The publishing divisions at MarketResearch.com are frequently cited in top publications and trade journals. In June, research by Kalorama information appeared in articles on direct-to-consumer laboratory testing, the market for electronic medical records, and outsourcing in drug discovery. A variety of media outlets turned to Packaged Facts for its expertise on pet litter products, coffee creamer trends, and meal kit delivery services.

Take a look at press highlights from June below. To access more information, click the link to the report page.

Topics: Food & Beverage Healthcare Pets Industry Insights Heavy Industry

Overweight Cats and Dogs: A Heavy Burden for Pet Owners

We have a strange fascination with fat cats — not the wealthy members of the modern aristocracy, but rather plus-sized felines who flaunt their curves in roly poly reverie in pictures and online videos. Youtube is littered with hundreds of thousands of videos of overweight pets, including a video of the world’s fattest cats that has over 31 million views. That’s more views than most videos of the president, and approaches Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift levels of ogling devotion.

Topics: Pets Packaged Facts

MarketResearch.com in the News: April & May Highlights

MarketResearch.com's publishing divisions are frequently quoted in a broad range of trade journals and business publications. Packaged Facts was recently cited for a variety of trending topics including local foods, salty snacks, millennial menus, and pet product trends. Research from the Freedonia Group appeared in articles focusing on corrosion inhibitors, insulation, and corrugated boxes.

Check out the press highlights from April and May below. Links to the full reports are included so you can dive deeper into the subjects that interest you most.

Topics: Food & Beverage Pets Industry Insights Heavy Industry

Millennial Pet Owners, Future of the Industry

When I started reading the Packaged Facts report Millennials as Pet Market Consumers, I laughed out loud because I truly am the poster child for Millennial pet owners. My "fur baby" Bruce is a little over one and a half, and I treat him like my real child. Bruce has a full wardrobe and is covered by pet insurance (which has paid for itself). He received a doggy cannoli on Valentine’s Day and has been given plenty of Christmas presents each year, and when I was doing my taxes last week, I thought to myself, why isn’t Bruce considered a dependent?

Topics: Pets Packaged Facts

How Pet Retailers Engage Online Consumers

As Americans spend more time on digital devices, pet retailers are finding new, inventive ways to engage consumers online. According to a recent report by research firm Packaged Facts, one of the best storytelling methods available is online videos.

“There’s nothing like being able to show a pet interact with a product,” writes George Puro, the report’s author. “Online videos allow marketers to pull at the heartstrings of pet owners, whether it’s through humor or through a heartwarming tale.”

Take Purina’s “Dear Kitten” video series as a prime example. Created in partnership with BuzzFeed, the original video has now surpassed 25 million views. It has since been developed into a franchise with multiple episodes across different platforms.

Topics: Pets Industry Insights

Projected 2016 Trends in the Pet Industry

The market for pet products and services is expected to rebound in 2015 compared to last year and experience higher sales in different market segments. By 2019, the industry is expected to hit $91.72 billion in sales. To maximize potential opportunities, companies in the pet industry need to understand the current trends that have affected the market as well as the emerging trends that are expected to drive the market in the coming year. In this post, we'll share findings from the comprehensive report U.S. Pet Market Outlook, 2015-2016 by Packaged Facts and explain the major trends that will affect pet product sales throughout 2016.

Topics: Pets Packaged Facts