The Convergence of 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Internet of Things

There is an ongoing convergence of four key technologies that are poised to transform the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) ecosystem. Those technologies are Fifth Generation (5G) cellular, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Telecommunications & Wireless Big Data Industry Insights

8 Helpful Articles on Breakthrough Technologies

New and emerging technologies have the potential to disrupt and transform a variety of important industries. Mind Commerce, a trusted source for research and strategic analysis, has written a series of articles highlighting new, influential trends in digital technologies and telecommunications. Here, we’ve compiled eight Mind Commerce posts that received the most page views. Click to the posts that interest you to gain valuable new insights from an experienced market research firm.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Consumer Electronics Telecommunications & Wireless Big Data Industry Insights

Opportunities for Big Data and Analytics in Telecom

The telecommunications sector has always handled large volumes of data related to customers, operations, and transactions. Over the years, telecom service providers have used a variety of techniques to work with these data sets including statistical analysis, data mining, knowledge management, and business intelligence. However, according to a new white paper written by the research firm Mind Commerce, big data and analytics is profoundly different from previous trends.

Topics: Telecommunications & Wireless Big Data Industry Insights

Communication Service Provider B2B Data Services

The current market for Global Communication Service Providers (CSP) has reached saturation with respect to customer penetration. Furthermore, core voice and messaging services are becoming increasingly marginalized. As fourth generation (4G) cellular via LTE is optimized globally via LTE Advanced (LTE-A), raw data services are next to realize ever shrinking margins. Recognizing this issue, certain leading CSPs offer telecom data Business-to-Business (B2B) services in a Data as a Service (DaaS) basis to various third party companies such as Over-the-Top (OTT) application providers.

Topics: Telecommunications & Wireless Knowledge Centers Industry Insights

Wearable Technology in Sports/Fitness, Healthcare, and Clothing Industries

Mind Commerce sees Sports and Fitness, Healthcare, and Clothing as key markets for the early success of wearable technology. Among these three segments, Sports and Fitness is the most promising segment for wearable consumption. The segment comprises various products out of which wrist bands, wrist watches, and headgears will dominate the segment. In addition, most products in this segment will be associated with measurement and monitoring fitness and performance and will be used by both amateurs and professionals.

Topics: Computer Hardware & Networking Apparel Consumer Electronics Telecommunications & Wireless Medical Devices Knowledge Centers Big Data

4 Trends to Watch in the Credit Card Industry

Within the credit card sector, innovative technologies are changing the way people make purchases.

Mobile and alternative payments are experiencing significant growth, with a range of payment providers in the mix including PayPal, MasterPass by MasterCard, Apple Pay, Amazon Payments, and Google Wallet.

In addition, co-branded credit cards continue to lure affluent households and millennial shoppers — which are prime demographics in the payments industry.

Topics: Telecommunications & Wireless Business Services & Administration Financial Services Packaged Facts Industry Insights

Wearable Technology in Enterprise

It is easy to categorize wearables in the enterprise as simply a variation or next step in Bring Your Own Technology (BYOD), but in reality it is a bit more complicated. While clearly enterprise wearables and BYOD overlap, wearable is a distinct category with its own dynamics and should be thought of differently from non-wearable BYOD.

Topics: Computer Hardware & Networking Telecommunications & Wireless Medical Devices Knowledge Centers

Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things (IoT)

Embedded systems are part and parcel of every modern electronic component. These are  low power consumption units that are used to run specific tasks for example remote controls, washing machines, microwave ovens,  RFID tags , sensors, actuators and thermostats used in various applications, networking hardware such as switches, routers, modems, mobile phones, PDAs, etc.

Topics: Telecommunications & Wireless Knowledge Centers

BYOD in Enterprise and Cloud Environment

Organizations are rapidly expanding BYOD programs, enabling more users to access enterprise applications and data from a wider range of devices. In many cases, they are implementing a hybrid mobility strategy of issuing corporate-owned mobile devices keeping the BYOD policies alive and permitting employees to select from preapproved devices. All these are allowing mobility in workforce and improved productivity by way of anytime, anywhere worker engagement, which in turn increase employee satisfaction as well.

Topics: Telecommunications & Wireless

Get Ready for an ICT SMAC Down as Converging Technology Transforms the Industry

The combination of Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud in one integrated stack is called SMAC Stack. It enables each function to help the other to maximize their impact which creates an organization-wide synergic impact. This convergence is one of the most impactful trends for both consumer and enterprise realization within digital media, communications, applications, content, and commerce. Instead of implementing solutions separately, SMAC encourages an organization to build and deploy integrated solutions wherein social/mobile adds connectedness and cloud/analytics makes the organization more agile and responsive.

Topics: Telecommunications & Wireless