Lawn & Garden Month: Sales & Statistics [INFOGRAPHIC]

As an introduction into the spring season, April has been dubbed Lawn and Garden Month. With the weather warming up and trees starting to bloom, it’s the perfect time for consumers to get their yards ready for new landscaping, plants, and gardens.

Read our blog post and check out our infographic to learn about the market for lawn and garden equipment and supplies.

Topics: House & Home Packaged Facts

3 Reasons Sales of Green Household Products Are Dropping

Can marketers persuade mainstream consumers to buy eco-friendly cleaning products? It's been a real challenge for mass brands like Clorox, Arm & Hammer, and Windex in recent years. After growing at a rapid pace through 2010, the market for green household cleaners and laundry products declined at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2 percent from 2010 to 2014. With insights from industry expert Packaged Facts and its new report Green Household Cleaning and Laundry Products in the U.S., 3rd Edition, we have identified three key factors that are contributing to the drop in sales.

Topics: House & Home Packaged Facts

Millennial Pet Owners, Future of the Industry

When I started reading the Packaged Facts report Millennials as Pet Market Consumers, I laughed out loud because I truly am the poster child for Millennial pet owners. My "fur baby" Bruce is a little over one and a half, and I treat him like my real child. Bruce has a full wardrobe and is covered by pet insurance (which has paid for itself). He received a doggy cannoli on Valentine’s Day and has been given plenty of Christmas presents each year, and when I was doing my taxes last week, I thought to myself, why isn’t Bruce considered a dependent?

Topics: Pets Packaged Facts

4 Influential Food Trends to Watch in 2016

In the past several years, the foodie movement in the U.S. has grown tremendously. One of the biggest crazes restaurants and retailers have seen is the desire for new and exciting food products and experiences. But which top food trends are American consumers seeking in 2016?

With help from industry expert Packaged Facts, we have written a blog post focusing on four key food trends that are driving the industry this year. Read on to learn how these trends are shaping consumer preferences.

Topics: Food & Beverage Packaged Facts

The Glorious Graying of American Consumers Circa 2020

Go ahead Baby Boomers, make my decade. In fact make everyone’s decade. No really, we need you to. We’re counting on it because frankly our retail infrastructure may not survive without you. Yeah, yeah, Millennials are the future and Generation Xers are doing their part to build on the foundations paved by previous generations, but you Boomers still have the economic Midas Touch. Looking ahead even four years into the future, it’s evident that as go Boomers so goes America.

Travel with me if you will to the year 2020 — no DeLorean time machine necessary (my apologies to Marty McFly and Doc Brown). A sliver of clairvoyant market research courtesy of Packaged Facts’ American Consumers in 2020 is all we need for the journey.  

Topics: Demographics Packaged Facts Industry Insights

Projected 2016 Trends in the Pet Industry

The market for pet products and services is expected to rebound in 2015 compared to last year and experience higher sales in different market segments. By 2019, the industry is expected to hit $91.72 billion in sales. To maximize potential opportunities, companies in the pet industry need to understand the current trends that have affected the market as well as the emerging trends that are expected to drive the market in the coming year. In this post, we'll share findings from the comprehensive report U.S. Pet Market Outlook, 2015-2016 by Packaged Facts and explain the major trends that will affect pet product sales throughout 2016.

Topics: Pets Packaged Facts

Chocolate Halloween Candy: The Top-Selling Treat

Chocolate candy is the most popular item given to trick-or-treaters. Last year, seasonal chocolate Halloween candy generated nearly $217 million in sales, up 12 percent from the previous year, according to consumer research firm Packaged Facts.

Chocolate candy sales have continued to rise, not just on Halloween, but throughout the entire year. In 2013, the U.S. market for chocolate candy was an estimated $21 billion, and it is expected to exceed $26 billion by 2018. A variety of factors are helping to drive sales of chocolate candy. Read on to learn more

Topics: Food & Beverage Packaged Facts Holiday Industry Insights

14 Innovative Pet Startups

The U.S. pet products and services market is on an upward trajectory, and a variety of pet startups are driving new innovation and growth. With sales reaching $74 billion in 2014, the pet industry is expected to hit $91 billion in 2019, according to a Packaged Facts report. Approximately 56 percent of U.S. households own pets — providing a large, expanding customer base for a range of businesses.

Technology is also opening the door for dynamic new enterprises. Many pet startups are taking business models that have been popular in other industries — such as Airbnb, Skype, and Fitbit — and applying them to the pet industry. Other startups are incorporating health food trends into pet foods, creating new pet-related apps, or providing dog training courses online.

Topics: Pets Packaged Facts

Sweet and Savory Sandwiches and Croque Monsieur and Madame

For the past four weeks, we have been posting blogs about the growing trends and popular ingredients that are driving the U.S. sandwich industry. From authenticity to health and wellness, the six sandwiches we have covered so far each fulfill unique cravings for foodies everywhere.

Topics: Food & Beverage Packaged Facts

Brisket Sandwiches and Cuban Sandwiches [Infographic]

In the third blog in our series, we are introducing two in-demand sandwiches that are satisfying comfort foods and growing culinary trends — brisket sandwiches and Cuban sandwiches.

Appearing in both fast-casual restaurants and upscale bistros, these sandwiches meet consumer demands for flavor adventure and authenticity.

Topics: Food & Beverage Packaged Facts