How to Better Understand Your Market and Improve Your Business Using Market Research

You don’t know what you don’t know. One of the reasons a business seeks out market research is to help stakeholders identify those unknowns — about the markets in which the company participates, about how its competitors operate, and about its own position in the industry — in order to make strategic adjustments that will grow the business.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Custom Market Research How To's

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need Market Research

Market research serves a critical function for achieving growth and reducing business risk.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

Primary Data vs. Secondary Data: Market Research Methods

The sources of data that we use to make key decisions are more important than ever. 

Topics: Market Research Strategy Custom Market Research The Freedonia Group

Key Facts About the Market Research Industry

The market research industry has grown over the last five years, but global economic conditions could challenge corporate profit margins and impact research expenditures in the future. What should companies in this industry expect in the years to come?

Topics: Market Research Strategy Industry Insights

The Decisiveness of Statistical Inference

Statistical inference definition: the theory, methods, and practice of forming judgments about the parameters of a population and the reliability of statistical relationships, typically on the basis of random sampling.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

Is High Inflation Here to Stay? Industry Analysts Weigh In

Have we turned a corner? Will high inflation continue for years on end?

Topics: Market Research Strategy Industry Insights

7 Ways to Identify New Market Opportunities in a Changing World

From supply chain bottlenecks to inflationary pressures, businesses across industries continue to grapple with a world defined by relentless change. In this unstable market landscape, business-as-usual approaches are nowhere near sufficient for survival or long-term success.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

Predicted Market Research Trends for 2022

What market research trends should you expect to see in 2022? What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on market research and how it is conducted?

Topics: Market Research Strategy

3 Smart Ways to Capitalize on Your Year-End Budget

Many organizations have cautiously held their breath during these uncertain times. For conglomerates with many different lines of business, choosing which way to leap or where to invest can be challenging.

Topics: Market Research Strategy

Understand Your Brand’s Movable Middle—a Key to Growth

Your Movable Middles is the most important segment of category buyers for your brand you might not have heard of yet.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Marketing