The Best of Both Worlds: The Power of Combining Market Research Solutions

There is an old adage in business that goes something like: "If you have two managers that always agree then one of them is redundant." Thankfully, this is not employed in most companies today, and it is not a school of thought I agree with or endorse for a couple of reasons.  

Topics: Market Research Strategy Profound Knowledge Centers Custom Market Research Industry Insights

Latest Emerging Trends in Market Research

In the past few years, many organizations have adopted technologies into their business models in hopes to increase efficiency, become more flexible, and to transform their current business functions. Market research, too, has adopted new techniques and methodologies in order to keep up with the evolving markets and extend its reach. In a recent blog, The Top 20 Emerging Methods in Market Research, industry expert Greenbook Blog uses data from surveys conducted in September 2014 to determine the emerging trends that are expected to be used in the upcoming years by market researchers.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Social Media Industry Insights

Market Research Publisher Spotlight: GlobalData partners with more than 700 publishers to offer customers the most comprehensive collection of diverse business intelligence. Each publisher has its own story and offers unique and insightful perspective into the industries they cover.

This week, is spotlighting global healthcare and energy research firm GlobalData. Read on to learn more about GlobalData and their products.

Topics: Energy & Resources Healthcare Industry Insights

5 Struggles of a Market Researcher

The process of conducting market research isn’t always easy, and we know the job of a market researcher certainly isn’t either. There are many common challenges that market researchers face during the data gathering process. We understand these challenges, and that is why our goal at is to form relationships with our clients to help make your job a little easier. There is comfort and empowerment in knowing you’re not alone. Others face the same struggles you face on a daily basis.

Topics: Profound Knowledge Centers Industry Insights

How Market Research Partners Help Clients Through Alternative Research Options

Broadline Research Providers Are the Most Valuable Resource Given Today’s Economy and Competitive Environment

Over the course of the last 10 years, the amount of secondary research and the availability of resources to access published industry data has increased substantially. However, researchers often overlook the option of leveraging readily available, reliable industry data; a valuable option that curtails the overall project cost as well as time required in obtaining answers to critical go-to-market questions.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Market Research Provider Custom Market Research Industry Insights

Why You Should Conduct Market Research Business with People, Not Companies

There is a reason why people repeatedly return to the same restaurant. Is it the food? Clearly if the food is sub-par, then any establishment will soon be out of business since no one will return to an eating establishment for a lousy meal. But, given that the food that is served is good, one can then argue that there are probably many other restaurants located in the vicinity of our favorite eating place. Why would we repeatedly return to the same one? It’s the service! It’s the people who serve the food; it’s the manager of the restaurant who comes over and personally greets you. It’s the wait staff that serves you as though you were the most important person in the room. And, most of all, it's the high quality food served at a price we are willing to pay. That’s what brings us back, time and time again. And, those factors are what make you loyal to any business.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Market Research Provider Industry Insights

Current Mobile Market Research Trends

According to, 163.9 million people in the U.S. have smartphones. With so many people in the market using mobile phones for more than just making phone calls, there are many key trends that have emerged that make mobile one of the most interesting industries.

Topics: Consumer Electronics Industry Insights

How to Define Market Research Success

A "good" market research report can cost you thousands of dollars.  And when I say “good,” I mean a report that helped you make one of your difficult business decisions: should we buy company X, should we invest in industry Y, who are the competitors we should fear, who are the customers we should go after?  While some may find it hard to determine to what extent, market research is unequivocally helpful when trying to make an affirmative decision (ie: should we enter this market?), and it can be equally helpful in informing on what to avoid.

Yet, often times, defining success when using market research can be a major gray area. Success doesn't always translate into definite measurables. Plus, success can be an extremely subjective concept. What a small entrepreneurial technology company might call success can be vastly different from success as defined by a Global 2000 corporate powerhouse.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Profound How To's Industry Insights

Mid-sized Companies and Big Data

Can Big Data positively impact revenues for mid-sized and small business data strategies? Last week we asked when the market research community will develop strategies and tactics to define terms for Big Data's use across industries:

As market researchers confront the era of Big Data, it is time to ask key questions about its usability, its potential to affect how they do their work -- and how it impacts the customers who purchase their work. Google, of course, is a major player in the Big Data landscape, but smart business-owners know that accurate, reliable market research tailored to their specific needs requires far more specificity and targeting than the search engine giant can provide.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Big Data Industry Insights

When Will Market Researchers Tame 'Big Data'?

Last year "Big Data" emerged as a topic of awe in the popular press and became a savvy talking point. But beyond the conventional wisdom that is taking shape, market research experts who have long practiced data-collection and big data analytics -- if on a smaller scale -- are questioning if this will be the year that the ‘firehose of data’ directly impacts their field. Even big data healthcare companies are wrestling with the implications of utilizing the vast amounts of information available to them. 

Topics: Market Research Strategy Big Data Industry Insights