How to Use Market Research to Validate Insights

Using research to support decision making may sound appealing in theory, but how do companies actually use market research in practice? What are the common approaches?

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Conducting Market Research? Don’t Miss These 3 Critical Steps

In order to make informed, data-driven business decisions, you need quality market research.

Market research is essential for all types of businesses in different stages of growth.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

8 Leading Experts Share Their Top Market Research Tips

Ongoing market research is vital to your company's long-term success, whether you are looking to drive profitable growth, enter a new market, or sustain your competitive advantage over time.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

Managing Brands in a Volatile Market: The Role of Market Research

In a recent survey of nearly 100 pharmaceutical and life science market research executives conducted by my company InCrowd, 80% identified their respective brand as being in a volatile market, characterized by disruption and uncertainty.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Pharmaceuticals Healthcare How To's

Forecasting Methods to Use During Periods of Volatility & Disruption

The last decade has been filled with unexpected events, from the global financial crisis to Brexit to the election of President Donald Trump. The reputations of polling companies have taken a public beating, and data gathered from surveys, interviews, and focus groups may fall under increased scrutiny as a result.

Given the current climate of volatility, how can consumer insight professionals, research analysts, and marketers choose the right forecasting methods and make meaningful predictions with confidence?

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

4 Tips for Perfecting B2B Customer Satisfaction Research

Satisfaction surveys are rife. From hotel stays to meals in restaurants, booking train tickets to searching comparison sites — as a consumer, you can barely get through a day anymore without someone asking about your customer experience and likelihood to recommend them to a friend.

The merits or pitfalls of this constant quest for consumer satisfaction data could be debated all day, but I’m not going to because (thankfully) B2B is different. Here, customer satisfaction measures are normally less frequent and more bespoke, with programmes typically conducted anywhere from quarterly to biennially.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

How to Evaluate Brand Health Using a Psychological Theory of Love

“How is my brand perceived relative to competitors?”

“What perceptions of my brand most drive behavior?”

“How do I positively impact perceptions of and behavior toward my brand?”

These are common, vital questions raised by marketers and brand managers. Measuring a brand’s “health” – how consumers perceive and interact with the brand, and how perceptions and behaviors align with revenue – is a common objective in market research, but is often not achieved because not all elements of brand health are measured.   

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

Internet Market Research: Using Paid vs. Free Information

The internet remains a great source of free information for people to use on a daily basis. You can find the answers you need on a wide variety of topics, and you don’t even need to leave your desk or make a phone call to get it.

In the current environment where fake news sites are popping up all over, it is more important than ever to decide what business information you can reliably obtain from the web and what you are better off purchasing from a professional publisher of market research.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

4 Essential Attributes of Successful Researchers

What core skills should researchers build in order to excel? How can researchers stay relevant and impactful long into the future, as technologies continue to evolve?

A variety of thought leaders in the marketing and research sectors shed light on these questions in the new report Towards an Insights Driven Organisation from the MRS Delphi Group.  

According to the report, a passion for the customer and rigorous objectivity are just baseline skill sets. Researchers of the future must also develop the following attributes and abilities.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

Changing the Relationship with Your Market Research Supplier/Client

Market research clients and suppliers have what seems to be a long-standing relationship where each wishes the other would just be nicer, faster, and more realistic. There often seems to be tension between the two sides when it comes to schedules, deliverables, decisions, and even resource capacity. This tension ends up manifesting itself in internal discussions on the client side, “I have no idea why it’s taking them so long to get me my data,” and on the supplier side, “They’re being so unrealistic with their schedule!”

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's