An Investor’s Guide to Understanding Market Variation within the Global Cord Blood Industry

Market Variation within the Global Cord Blood Industry

Cord blood banks now exist within nearly every developed country, as well within most developing nations. However, there is still significant variation within the industry. First, there is the divide between private and public cord blood banking, in which private companies serve individual families, while public banks serve the broader population. Additionally, some cord blood banks receive only units from nearby hospitals and birthing centers, while others allow mail-in units from a diverse geographic region.

Topics: Diagnostics Biotechnology

Trends, Forces, & Landmark Events within the Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Product Market

Because induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were discovered in 2006, the global market for iPSC products celebrated its 10th year of existence this year in 2015. Therefore, it is valuable to consider market conditions that have emerged over the previous 10 years, as well as new trends and projections that will affect the industry over the coming five years.

Topics: Biotechnology

The Future of Telemedicine: Mobile and Connected Healthcare

Telemedicine is increasingly gaining popularity due to its high potential for cost savings and increased efficiency in healthcare. Expert medical care through telemedicine can significantly improve the healthcare facilities at rural and remote locations. Advanced wireless and networking technologies coupled with recent advances in biotechnology, biosensors and software engineering has enabled the promising growth in telemedicine healthcare systems.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Biotechnology Telecommunications & Wireless Healthcare

4 Key Metrics You Need to Know to Invest in the Cord Blood Sector

The cord blood banking market has matured substantially over the past few years, creating new threats for market participants, as well as novel investment opportunities. Serious threats to the industry include new accreditation requirements that have increased the cost structure of cord blood banks, expensive cord blood transplantation procedures, difficulty with educating obstetricians about cellular therapies, and more.

Topics: Biotechnology

The Technical, Legal, and Political Minefield of Commercializing Stem Cells

Stem cells are primitive cells found in all multi-cellular organisms and are characterized by self-renewal and the capacity to differentiate into any mature cell type. However, it is this primitive nature that intrinsically makes commercializing stem cells a technical, legal and political minefield.

Topics: Biotechnology

Projected 2015 Trends in the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare market research publisher Kalorama Information has identified the top five trends in the healthcare field that made an impact in 2014 and will continue to be an influence throughout 2015. Kalorama compiled its list based on news events, growth rates of markets the firm studied in 2014, and information requests the firm receives from industry participants. 

Topics: Diagnostics Biotechnology Pharmaceuticals Healthcare Medical Devices

Cord Blood Industry: Key Benchmarks to Track (and Why You Should Care)

Recently released, the “Complete 2015-16 Global Cord Blood Banking Industry Report” reveals key benchmarks to track and why you should care. Benchmarks are critical to assess, because the global cord blood market has matured substantially over the past few years, creating both serious threats and novel opportunities. 

Therefore, judging individual company performance relative to the broader cord blood marketplace has become substantially more complex.

Topics: Biotechnology

U.S. Biomarker Market, Application in Drug Development

Drug development companies across the world have identified biomarkers as the effective solution to new product developments. The field of system biology provides theoretical and statistical tools for evaluating complicated clinical data. It allows access to molecular profiling information and explains facts related to biology in an orderly manner.

Topics: Biotechnology

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC): 3 Major Market Forces (And Why You Should Care)

The induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) market first emerged in 2006, when iPSC technology was pioneered by Shinya Yamanaka’s lab at Kyoto University in Japan. The shocking discovery that the introduction of four transcription factors into adult cells could convert them into pluripotent stem cells sent waves of excitement throughout the scientific community. This landmark event came to represent one of the greatest stem cell research discoveries of all time and was memorialized in 2012, when Dr. Yamanaka and Sir John Gurdon were awarded the Nobel Prize "for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent.” 

Topics: Biotechnology

The Business of Commercializing Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)

As a provider of stem cell products and technologies, you need to make effective product development decisions, generate improved revenues, and take market share from your competition. To do this, you need to be educated about prevailing market conditions. This involves knowing which stem cell types are showing the most promise and understanding methods through which they could be commercialized.

Stem cells are still a relatively new discovery, as the first stem cells were discovered in human cord blood in 1978, the first mouse embryonic stem cells were derived in 1981, and it was not until 2006 that induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) were produced for the first time.

Topics: Biotechnology