Sarah Schmidt

Sarah Schmidt

Sarah Schmidt is a Managing Editor at, a leading provider of global market intelligence products and services.

Recent Posts by Sarah Schmidt:

The Better Baking Trend: Reinventing Packaged Goods

Today’s consumers are looking to fill their grocery carts with food made from clean, natural ingredients. As a result, big brands are modifying their products in hopes of winning over health-conscious consumers, and the baking aisle is no exception.  

“A trend that has really burst out in the last year is what I’ve been calling the ‘better baking trend,’” explains Kara Nielsen, a food trendologist and professionally trained baker. “This makes a ton of sense, when you consider a lot of the baking mixes, jarred frosting, and other items in the baking aisle are very family centered. Kids are the main consumer in many cases.”

Topics: Food & Beverage Packaged Facts Industry Insights

Opportunities and Challenges in the Smart Appliances Market

Smart appliances connect to smartphones and tablets to enable alerts and remote control. For example, if you’d like to start the dishwasher or adjust your thermostat while you are at work, smart appliances will give you that ability.

Smart appliances offer many potential benefits to consumers, but will they gain traction in the market? For up-to-date industry analysis, check out the blog post below.

Topics: House & Home Industry Insights in the News: August Highlights

In August,'s publishing divisions appeared in top publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, CNBC, and a variety of trade journals.

We've included a selection of press highlights below. Read on to learn more about what topics are trending in the media — from ancient grains and frozen foods to home organization products and wine packaging. To access more information about a particular subject, click the link to the report page.

Topics: Food & Beverage Industry Insights Heavy Industry

The Highly Competitive Market for Lawn & Garden Equipment

Sales of lawn and garden equipment have been sluggish in recent years. Sales peaked in 2005 and have been declining and struggling to pick up ever since.

Despite these continued challenges, consumer research firm Packaged Facts projects retail sales will increase by a CAGR of 3 percent in the U.S. to reach $11.8 billion by 2019. Read on to learn more.

Topics: House & Home Industry Insights in the News: July Highlights

This past month,’s publishing divisions were cited in a wide variety of publications including the New York Times, Slate Magazine, and numerous trade journals. Take a look at a selection of press highlights below. To access more information about a particular topic, click the link to the report page.

Topics: Food & Beverage Healthcare Pets Industry Insights Heavy Industry

3 Top Trends in DIY Home Improvement

As the economy improves, do-it-yourself consumers will flock to Home Depot and Lowe’s to renovate their homes and get started on projects that have been put on hold since the collapse of the housing market.

TechNavio, a leading research and advisory company, expects the global DIY market to rise at a CAGR of 3 percent from 2016 to 2020.

Topics: House & Home Industry Insights

5 Benefits of Market Research Reports

How can you get the answers you need to solve business challenges more quickly? Syndicated market research reports are the go-to solution for many professionals. Market research reports not only save you hours of time, they also add credibility to the work you do, whether you are refining your business plan, preparing a presentation for an important client, or making recommendations to an executive.

To illustrate the benefits of market research reports, we talked to a variety of professionals who use these reports in their day-to-day work. Read on to learn how these individuals use market research reports to their advantage.

Topics: Market Research Strategy

Domestic Robots Now and in the Future

Has the robot invasion begun? According to Tractica, a market intelligence firm that focuses on human interaction with technology, the consumer robotics revolution is “well and truly underway.”

Learn about the growing demand for domestic robots and what hurdles the market faces in the next few years.

Topics: House & Home Consumer Electronics Industry Insights

3 Common Thinking Errors That Hurt Your Business Strategy

Corporate professionals and entrepreneurs aren’t immune to unconscious biases and cognitive distortions. After all, the same thinking patterns that drive our everyday behaviors also carry over into our work and influence our decision-making. 

As Andrew Campbell, co-author of Strategy at the Corporate Level, wrote in the Harvard Business Review, “The daunting reality is that enormously important decisions made by intelligent, responsible people with the best information and intentions are sometimes hopelessly flawed.”

Fortunately, there are systematic ways you can reduce the risk of mistakes. The first step is learning to recognize thinking errors in the first place. Here, we highlight three cognitive distortions that can damage your business strategy and explain how to circumvent them.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

27 Top Trends in the House and Home Industry has released a new e-book that highlights the top trends in the house and home industry. Drawing on insights from a number of premier market research firms, this e-book gives you expert forecasts on a wide variety of consumer goods from furniture to smart appliances to landscaping products.

This e-book will help you get up to speed quickly on innovative technologies that are transforming the industry and influential factors that are changing the demand for household products in key regions around the world.

Topics: House & Home Industry Insights