3 Major Factors Driving Carbon Footprint Management Market Growth

The carbon footprint management market is expected to expand significantly in the forecast period from 2022 to 2026.

Topics: Energy & Resources Public Sector Industry Insights

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need Market Research

Market research serves a critical function for achieving growth and reducing business risk.

Topics: Market Research Strategy How To's

Battery Thermal Management Systems and the Role of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Renewable energy generation costs have sharply declined due to technological advancements, a better competitive supply chain of renewable energy, and rising economies of scale with smart battery thermal management. 

Topics: Energy & Resources Industry Insights

Primary Data vs. Secondary Data: Market Research Methods

The sources of data that we use to make key decisions are more important than ever. 

Topics: Market Research Strategy Custom Market Research The Freedonia Group

The Power of Digital Therapeutics in Mental Health

Digital therapies are evidence-based clinical approaches powered by software applications designed to prevent, control, or treat a particular disease or condition.

Topics: Pharmaceuticals Healthcare Industry Insights

The Freedonia Group Now Publishes Annual Data in Addition to 5-Year Forecasts

The Freedonia Group is now publishing annual data in addition to 5-year forecasts in our industry studies going forward, which will double the amount of tables in each new report.

Topics: Market Research Provider

$1.8 Billion U.S. Meditation Market Grows with New Apps and the Growth of Yoga

Meditation has become more mainstream in America, boosted by soaring subscriptions to apps such as Calm and Headspace.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Pharmaceuticals Healthcare Industry Insights

Remote Patient Monitoring, an Emerging Opportunity in the Healthcare Industry

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) has been a rising trend over the past many years. This growth, however, was catalyzed further by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we saw a rapid increase in participation from the industry and patients.

Topics: Healthcare Medical Devices Industry Insights

Key Facts About the Market Research Industry

The market research industry has grown over the last five years, but global economic conditions could challenge corporate profit margins and impact research expenditures in the future. What should companies in this industry expect in the years to come?

Topics: Market Research Strategy Industry Insights

E. Coli: An Apt Choice for Recombinant Protein Production

The bio-manufacturing of recombinant proteins requires robust processes that can maximize protein yield from mammalian cell cultures while ensuring the efficacy of these proteins as human therapeutics.

Topics: Biotechnology Industry Insights