John LaRosa

Recent Posts by John LaRosa:

What's Next for the $9.9 Billion Personal Development Industry 

American consumers will pay lots of money for self-improvement products and services. This is especially true at this time of the year. Each January, we set resolutions to lose weight, improve our relationships, make more money, mange stress better, become a better salesman, increase productivity, read faster, etc.

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Top 6 Trends for the Weight Loss Industry in 2018

The U.S. weight loss market is estimated to be worth $68.2 billion in 2017—a 2.7% gain, and growth should continue into 2018, when the market is expected to post a better gain of 3.2% to $70 billion.

Continued high rates of obesity and overweight, coupled with low unemployment and higher disposable income, are boosting the market. However, performance will vary significantly by individual market segment.

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