Publisher Spotlight: Q&A with MarketsandMarkets

In this series, we are taking a closer look at specific publishers on Profound. You'll have the opportunity to learn more about the reports they publish and what kinds of problems they help clients solve. Today, we’re interviewing MarketsandMarkets, a market research company that produces 1,200 high-level, strategically analyzed studies each year. Learn more about them in the Q&A below.

Tell us about your expertise as a market research publisher. 

MarketsandMarkets is the world’s No. 2 firm in terms of annually published premium market research reports. We prepare our reports by tracking global high-growth markets and following the "Growth Engagement Model.” We are proud to serve the Fortune 500 and other small organizations with our research studies. We have a full-fledged dedicated team of 600+ trained analysts who have a strong foundation of knowledge and research skills.

We are actively focused on the following industry verticals:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Energy and Power
  • Biotechnology
  • Food and Beverage
  • Chemicals
  • Medical Devices
  • Advanced Materials
  • Semiconductor and Electronics
  • Automation and Process Control
  • Telecom and IT
  • Consumer Goods
  • Automotive and Transportation
  • Banking & Financial Services
  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Healthcare IT
  • Agriculture Industry
  • Engineering Equipment & Devices
  • Packaging
  • Building & Construction
  • Mining, Minerals, and Metal

What types of market research reports do you offer?

We offer full market research reports on all prevalent industry verticals, profiling the global and regional markets.  

Which market research reports or topics are particularly relevant or timely right now?

Our reports are crafted as per the current trends of market. For our older reports, we create an updated version in accordance with the current market scenario. Thus, all our research publications are timely and relevant.

What kinds of problems does your market research help clients solve?

Our research reports help clients stay up-to-date on how the industry is shifting and where their company stands compared to the market as a whole. Our reports provide all the relevant facts and data necessary for planning business strategies and other policies. Complete information on major industry key players, competitors, and customers is included in our reports. Our analysis helps readers decide whether to enter new markets, engage specific technologies, shift investments, or focus their target market.

What differentiates you from other market research publishers?

We hold the longest market segmentation in the industry along with in-depth analysis of patents and profiles of key market players, providing a clear view of the competitive landscape. The high-quality analytical infographics in our reports are accurate and easy to understand. We provide clients with key insights to stay ahead of the competition in today's fast-paced business environment. Our prime focus is our reader’s satisfaction, and we offer ongoing support from pre to post purchase, including free customization and analyst calls.

Is there anything else readers should know about your products?

Over the past few years, MarketsandMarkets has made its mark by providing market research for a range of different business niches and offering detailed information about industry best practices, competitive landscaping, and benchmarking. We help clients to build strong brand visibility through economic forecasting, roadmap analysis, economic forecasting, primary interviews, and in-depth analysis of vendor offerings from the user perspective. We remain committed to excellence and provide comprehensive, hands-on expertise to our customers, along with error-free, reliable, high-quality industry intelligence.

How to learn more

Market research reports by MarketsandMarkets are available on, where subscribers are able to purchase the individual sections, chapters, tables, or charts of a report they need without having to pay for the pieces they don’t.

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