Caitlin Stewart

Recent Posts by Caitlin Stewart:

Projected 2015 Trends in the Pet Industry

As companies prep for the upcoming holiday season, marketers are looking even further ahead at new and continuing trends for 2015. According to industry experts at Packaged Facts, there are many trends , which impacted the pet industry in 2014, that are expected to develop even further in 2015. In Packaged Facts’ comprehensive report   U.S. Pet Market Outlook, 2014-2015 , they project different industry trends that will gain popularity and change pet product sales throughout the course of 2015.
Topics: Pets Packaged Facts

How to Use Market Research to Distinguish Yourself in a Saturated Market

The problem many companies face is the issue of having an over saturated market, meaning the amount inventory of a product has been maximized and consumer demand has lessened, either by too much production or too many competitors in the market. There are plenty of ways to get out of such a situation and distinguish oneself from others. But, in order to successfully prosper, companies need to use market research to discover which way would be most beneficial.

Topics: Market Research Strategy

How a Lack of Market Research Causes Indecision

When markets in an industry change somehow, either from new ideas or technological changes, successful organizations quickly begin new research projects to develop conclusions on how they should react to the change. Market research allows these organizations new insights on how changes in their own company can benefit from shifts in the market. Different circumstances can arise that lead to organizations being indecisive about how to react, and, therefore, they are essentially unable to benefit from new market movements.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Marketing

The U.S. Pet Market's Emphasis on Natural & Organic

The U.S. pet market is one of the largest in the world with dedicated pet parents wanting the best for the little loved ones. Even through the recent economic downturn, sales of dog and cat treats remained strong. With health-conscious decisions becoming more prominent in owners own lives, it makes sense that 38% of pet owners believe that natural and organic pet products are often better than standard brands. The future of pet products will be filled with healthier and natural ingredients.

Topics: Pets Packaged Facts

How to Determine if There Is a Market for Your Business

Knowing whether or not your product is something that will sell is one of the biggest questions in marketing. You might think your new product or service is going to sweep the market away, but without having a foundation of information about your customer’s wants and needs, you can’t know if your product is going to do well.

Topics: Marketing How To's

How the K-12 Education Market is Changing

Schools have clearly changed in the last decade. Classrooms, the way students are learning and interacting, and learning devices are not what they used to be. With technology becoming a prominent force for our education systems, spending for education has increased. With the market size increasing 8% from the 2012-13 to 2013-14 school year to $20.9 million, many tax payers are wondering where funds are being directed.

Topics: Software & Enterprise Computing Education

4 Critical Aspects of the Market Research Process

To complete the market research process successfully, we are taught to stick to 6 systematic steps. Each step serves its own importance to ensure organizations are getting the most out of their research and staying on task. But, even with these steps, there are additional details that are considered to be critical aspects of market research.

Topics: Market Research Strategy

Labor Day, Entire 2014 Year See Increase in U.S. Holiday Travel

As summer draws to an end and kids across the country pout as they head back to school, parents planned their final weekend getaways during the last three-day weekend of the warm months. Since the economic recession, the number of families traveling during Labor Day Weekend has dropped significantly. But, in 2013, 34.1 million Americans traveled during the holiday, the highest number recorded since 2009.

Topics: Travel & Leisure

Answering "Why:" The Importance of Traditional Market Research

In the past two years, we have watched the Big Data phenomenon lead the market research industry in a new direction. Organizations have built immense databases with information on everything from science to retail, from government to consumer opinions. As growth continues and big data plays a larger role in marketing decisions, suggestions that big data will push out traditional market research have been discussed. But, in all reality, that simply will not happen.

Topics: Market Research Strategy Marketing Big Data

The U.S. Weight Loss Market & the Popularity of Multi-Level Market Products

The U.S. weight loss market has hit a plateau, experiencing  little growth over the last 6 years. After the downsize of the economy, consumers have decreased their purchases of diet drinks, health club memberships, medical programs, diet books, and exercise videos and moved forward to a more do-it-yourself (DIY) approach. Yet, small niches in the industry are starting to boom.

According to a report by publisher Marketdata Enterprises Inc., the value of the U.S. weight loss market declined by 1.8% in 2013, down to $60.5 billion. The market is expected to increase in 2014 with the increased DIY dieting trends and as organizations sort out the effects of the Affordable Care Act.

Topics: Food & Beverage Marketing Healthcare