Paul Ricketts

Recent Posts by Paul Ricketts:

EU 2030 Framework to Impact Energy Industry

After conducting detailed market research and analysis of energy prices and costs, the European Union (EU) recently announced a long-term renewable energy framework aimed at creating energy security, regulatory stability, a low-carbon economy and affordable energy for European consumers. The framework is targeting a 40% drop in greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels and a binding target across EU Nations of at least 27% renewable energy by 2030.

In developing a long-term energy framework, the EU is looking to create a stable environment in which investors can support innovation, leading to the development of new technologies. As the EU makes steady progress towards a low-carbon economy, it is hoped that such a long-term approach to developing a competitive and secure energy system reduces member states' dependence on imported energy. This would increase the security of their energy supplies, creating long-term job opportunities and growth.
Topics: Energy & Resources

How 'Yesterday’s Weather' Affects Today's Business


Everybody likes to talk about the weather. It’s a fair bet that commenting on it and speculating about it account for a fairly significant percentage of the world’s conversations on any given day. There is an oft-quoted saying (attributed to many different comedians and broadcasters) that if you have no other information, no research, you can fairly accurately predict the weather tomorrow by simply saying that it will be substantially similar to the weather today. And you know what? You’ll be right a lot.

Topics: Market Research Strategy

Is Marketing in the Education Industry Old School or New School?

If it seems that marketing in the education industry is a relatively new phenomenon, look closely at the wall of this 1910 restoration of Rosehill Schoolhouse at the Cherokee Strip Museum in Oklahoma. Along with the wood burning stove, well worn desks and dusty chalk boards you will notice a handful of advertisements for local businesses. Direct marketing solutions in schools have been around for at least the last century; it is an interesting exercise to see how some of the marketing efforts have changed.

Topics: Marketing Education