Top 5 White Papers from in 2020

Office workplace with laptop and smart phone on wood tableIn collaboration with our internal research teams and external partners, released a variety of white papers in 2020 that provide expert insights to help you stay ahead of the latest industry trends and navigate economic changes related to COVID-19.

Available for instant download, these free resources cover a wide range of topics including the COVID-19 outbreak, economic forecasting, the market for pet products and services, and more.

GDCoronavirusWhitePaper_thumbRCCoronavirus (COVID-19) Executive Briefing

GlobalData’s executive briefing explores the COVID-19 outbreak, its impact on the economy, and implications for a wide range of sectors, including  automotive, banking & payments, construction, consumer, foodservice, healthcare, insurance, medical, mining, oil & gas, packaging, pharma, power, retail, technology & telecom, and travel & tourism.

ForecastingTimeofCrisis_thumbForecasting in a Time of Crisis

Forecasters became more and more downbeat about economic prospects for 2020, and many estimates of real GDP growth were revised downward. Forecasting in a Time of Crisis examines this troubling trend with analysis from Freedonia’s long-time chief economist Tom Bowne.

Pages from March 18 2020 Coronavirus and Pet Market Bulletin - KC VersionPet Market Bulletin: Assessing Coronavirus Pandemic Impacts on the Pet Industry

In this white paper, Packaged Facts provides an initial assessment of COVID-19’s likely effects on the U.S. pet market and offers predictions about which sectors will take the hardest blows and which could get a boost. 

Dietwhitepaper_thumbRCDiet Plans and Food Philosophies in the Age of Pandemic

Featuring new survey data from Packaged Facts, this white paper covers trends in dieting and eating preferences, demographic trends among those watching their diet, and consumer feelings about the effect of the pandemic on personal health and wellness.

tinyhouse_thumbTiny Homes: A Bright Spot in the Prefabricated Home Market

With expert insights from The Freedonia Group’s Senior Analyst Matt Zielenski, this white paper provides an overview of current state of the tiny home’s market as well as insights into prospects going forward and the impact of COVID-19 on the demand for tiny homes.

Topics: Industry Insights