Richard Washington

Recent Posts by Richard Washington:

Top 10 App Trends For Cloud Computing |

The Cloud has changed the way we go through our day.  From the moment we wake up, we're updating our statuses on social networks and checking work e-mails before the coffee hits the cup.  An online community manager can access the administrator functions from his iPad.  A marketing manager can check Google Analytics from her Android smartphone.  The cloud computing market has enveloped our modern society and streamlined our days.

Topics: Computer Hardware & Networking Consumer Electronics Telecommunications & Wireless

The Growth of The Cloud Computing Industry |

Two decades in, the cloud computing industry has grown from a "intergalactic fantasy" to an integral  part of our lives.  If you take a moment to realize how it has influenced our behaviors, you would be amazed.  From streaming a movie on Netflix, to uploading your camera photos to the filesharing website, Dropbox, the growth of cloud computing has been impressive and wide-reaching.

Topics: Telecommunications & Wireless

6 Ways to Improve Search Engine Ranking with Market Research

We've all heard that the best way to improve search engine ranking is to create great content. Google and other search providers have been working hard to tailor thier algorithms to highlight fresh and original work, so what does this mean for SEO and how do you get your website seen?

The answer to that question is that SEO is still very important but past best practises once designed to 'game' the system through high density keywords and such, are now designed to help craft your great content in a way that your customers will find it.

Topics: SEO Market Research Strategy

Learn How To Increase SEO Ranking with a Market Research Strategy

If you are unsure of how to increase SEO ranking for your website, investing in quality and timely market research could help focus your online marketing strategy to your customers needs. Getting to the top of search engine results pages (SERPS) has become much more than keyword stuffing and black hat SEO.

Topics: SEO Market Research Strategy