Ali Arabnejad and Kamran Zamanian

Recent Posts by Ali Arabnejad and Kamran Zamanian:

European Infusion Therapy Market Shows Promising Growth and Increasing Market Share

Infusion therapy, also known as intravenous therapy, plays a crucial role in administering fluids and medications directly into the bloodstream. In the United States, this market has been rapidly growing, driven by the aging population and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases.

Topics: Medical Devices Industry Insights

Why Recent Innovations in the ENT Endoscope Market Are Causing a Backlash

The ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialty, also known as otorhinolaryngology, is a medical field with over 300 million procedures conducted globally in 2022. This market is set to grow larger than its current value as innovations continue to bring more solutions to the table, to help a wider range of patients.

Topics: Medical Devices Industry Insights