An Overview of MarketsandMarkets: Your Top Questions Answered

MarketsandMarketsMarketsandMarkets is a globally recognized market research firm delivering data-driven B2B research to drive growth and innovation.

To help you better understand this research provider and their unique expertise, here are some answers to frequently asked questions about MarketsandMarkets.

What does MarketsandMarkets do?

MarketsandMarkets is a competitive intelligence and market research provider with over 10,000 clients worldwide offering quality B2B market research.

Founded in 2009, MarketsandMarkets has created $140+ billion of revenue impact for its clients through its extensive growth advisory and knowledge services portfolio.

Some key services offered by MarketsandMarkets include: TAM Expansion, GTM Strategy to Execution, Market Share Gain, Sector Research, Market & Competitive Intelligence, and Reporting and Business Intelligence.

Some key focus sectors of MarketsandMarkets are: Healthcare, Aerospace & Defense, Food and Beverage, Agriculture, Automotive & Transportation, Chemicals & Materials, Information & Communications Technology, Energy & Power, and Electronics and Semiconductors.

What are MarketsandMarkets reports used for?

MarketsandMarkets provides quality B2B market intelligence across industries to help its clients assess key industry matrices:

  • Gauging market size (historical, present, and forecasted sizing data for 5/10 years), for at least 4-5 segments/sub-segments (technologies, product types, applications, end use industries, regions, and countries)
  • Assessing industry trends and disruptions, patents, regulations, value chain, trade analysis, ASPs, events & conferences, identifying key stakeholders & decision makers, technology trends, quoting pertinent case studies
  • Mapping the competitive landscape across a specific market/sector: 20-25 key companies for a market including leading firms & startups; intelligence offered includes a company profile, global market share, and company evaluation matrix

Is MarketsandMarkets credible?

MarketsandMarkets has been recognized as one of America’s best management consulting firms by Forbes, as per their report released on 15th March 2023. The report was released by Forbes in partnership with Statista, a market research company, and is a list of America’s Best Management Consulting Firms that are optimally positioned to help businesses tackle the known and unforeseeable challenges in 2023. The list relies on surveys of partners and executives of management consulting companies and their clients.

Additionally, some of MarketsandMarkets' engagements have led to following outcomes for clients:

  • Expansion of total addressable market by USD 10 billion for a leading mass spectrometry and chromatography firm
  • Incremental revenue growth of $50-$100 million over a period of 2-3 years for a global advanced materials company
  • Gain of an additional ~2-3% point market share for a world leader in crop protection
  • Generation of USD 500 million worth of additional pipeline in their top 40 accounts for a globally leading technology firm

Where is MarketsandMarkets based?

MarketsandMarkets' corporate headquarters are located in Pune, Western India, and the firm has a team size of more than 1,500 spread across UK, USA, and India.

What are some recent reports by MarketsandMarkets?

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About the author: Sarah Schmidt is a Managing Editor at, a leading provider of global market intelligence products and services.

Topics: Market Research Provider